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Laws of the Administration

By Joe Hewit


The alcohol policies that are enforced by the five universities are strict, no room for messing around and are right to the point and at the same time they are fair. For instance Central Michigan University states that drinking is allowed only if the resident is drinking responsibly.


Brandon Cornellier, a sophomore from East Lansing said CMU has a party culture, but nothing compared to Michigan State University. Cornellier also said. Resident hall staff needs to get involved more and more strictly enforce the rules.


Sophomore DaRon Turner, a resident assistant from the Tower said the party scene has died down. Where students are being smart and going off campus to party and drink, to the point where they can go all night and not be afraid of getting an alcohol violation.


The student conduct office does not mess around when coming to the alcohol policy. Tom deam the director and Joseph M. Finney the assistant director stated the number of violations have gone up over the past couple of years.


During the 2012-2013 school year 356 students violated the alcohol policy within the dorms. The following school year 398 students violated the alcohol policy. Idema and Finney said the chance of a student repeating the offense is within 25%.


Here at CMU the alcohol policy is simply for students to understand. A resident who is 21 or older may drink in their room responsibly, may drink in residents room who is also 21 but that resident must be present. All guests are required to follow the alcohol policy, if a guest is 21-year-old and the resident is not, than no alcohol is allowed in the room. No alcohol is allowed it a room unless a resident is of legal age.


At Michigan State University the alcohol policy is right to the point. Residents are only to have alcoholic drinks in their room, suites or apartments or a social event only if it’s approved by the Office of the vice president of student affairs and services. At any time shall there be no mass group organization where a mass amount of alcohol is present such as a floor party and absolute kegs or any type of mass form to consume alcohol. Residents shall have an appropriate amount of alcohol in the room.


Grand Valley State University policy states residents who live in Traditional, Suite, Apartment style Living Centers are not allowed to consume and store any alcohol beverages along with keeping any alcohol mit material such as shot glasses, beer steins, etc. Residents guest are required to follow the policies.
















































Any resident who lives in Calder Apartments, Grand Valley Apartments, Laker Village Apartments, Murray Living Center, Niemeyer Living Center, Ravine Apartments, Secchia Hall. South Apartments C, D,E, VanSteeland Living Center, and Winter Hall are considered alcohol friendly complexes.


Residents and their guest who are 21-years-old and older may consume and store alcohol within their rooms. Any resident or guest who is under the age may not may not consume or store any alcohol in the complex.


At any time shall there be no kegs, bongs open parties and mass quantities are not allowed what so ever.


Residents and guests who are 21 years of age or older may consume and store alcohol in the privacy of their room/apartment. Underage residents and guests may not store or possess alcohol, empty containers, or alcohol paraphernalia (such as shot glasses, beer steins, etc). This includes containers used as decoration.


Underage residents or guests are not to be present when alcohol is being consumed. Any forms of open containers of alcohol are not allowed within the campus housing system.


Wayne State University has a party culture but at times there are mixed feelings on the subject. WSU dorm system is set up where a resident can choose or placed into a alcohol free or alcohol friendly hall.


Ghafari and Atchison are the alcohol free dorms then are. It states no resident at any point of time regardless of their age shall consume or store any type of alcohol beverages in their rooms.


Towers Residential Suites and Deroy, Chatsworth and University Tower Apartments are alcohol friendly halls. Residents and their guests who are 21-years-old or older are allowed to consume and store a reasonable amount of alcohol in their rooms. Any resident who lives in the Suites/Apartments under the age of 21, there shall be no form of alcohol brought, stored or consumed in the room


At any time shall no student be drinking in a public area such as lobbies, hallways, living/multipurpose rooms, lounges, restrooms, recreation areas, stairwells, elevators, and outdoor areas.


The University of Michigan policy states that if a resident is under the age of 21-years-old their guest may not brink alcohol into the room regardless of their age. Although a resident who is 21-years or older may consume, store, and bring alcohol into their rooms.

At any point shall no student have any open container in any part of the hall/ apartments .Nor shall there be any kegs in the university housing regardless if the resident is 21.


If a resident is 21 and their roommate is under the legal age the resident may consume alcohol in their room, but must do so in a responsible way. And the resident should not provide alcohol to any minors.

Over the past two years and through out the different universities students have violated the alcohol policy. The graphic above provides the stats from each university.

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